
“This task isn’t going to finish itself.”

Managing Everyday Stress and Anxiety with Mindfulness

Stirring in bed, eyes wandering in the darkness before you check your phone again for what seems like the tenth time tonight. Dread sets in as the morning sunlight peers through the window, what awful things will today bring? Bad weather? Car breaking down? Getting fired from work? Awkward social gatherings?

The day goes on, drowning in your thoughts, unable to concentrate on your work as fatigue begins to set in. You drag yourself back to bed sick with worry and start the whole process over again in your head.

“Take a walk with a turtle. And behold the world in pause.” - Bruce Feiler

Today we are constantly living life in the fast lane, and you never have the time to stop or even slow down. Be it a social, spiritual, or even political situation we all have fears and worries that we are expected to carry and manage that border on impossible for a day-to-day basis.

My aim is to educate you on managing these fears and worries through mindfulness and deep breathing techniques. Together we can set goals, address areas of stress and conflict, and find a balance in your life.

Consultation is free.

If you’re ready to walk alongside the turtle, please contact me for a free 15-minute phone consultation.